Milk: The Most Miraculous Food

Ever since I first became a vegetarian, back in the early 1970’s, I have relied on Dairy Products to keep up my health and strength. Of course I also became an avid organic gardener to supply fresh vegetables to my diet, planted fruit trees, started keeping bees, and learned how to cook with beans, rice and whole wheat flour. Not all of us have the luxury to live on the land, but all the ingredients for a healthy life are available in your local grocery store. We do not have to rely on the sinful practice of killing innocent animals to maintain our health.

Milk is such a miraculous food source! From it we get yogurt, butter, cheese’s, ghee etc., and all of it is delicious and filled with essential nutrients.

Packed with Essential Nutrients

Milk, cheese and yogurt are nutrient power houses! Three daily servings of dairy contribute to 3 out of the 4 under consumed nutrients of public concern ― calcium, vitamin D and potassium. The fourth is fiber, which can be found in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans ― all foods that pair well with dairy! Vitamin A, Vitamin D and protein are also essential for a healthy immune function and are all found in dairy.

Every 8 ounce glass of milk delivers the following 13 essential nutrients:

  • Calcium (25% Daily Value, or DV): Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth.
  • Protein (16% DV): Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue.
  • Vitamin D (15% DV): Vitamin D helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus (20% DV): Phosphorus helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth, and support tissue growth.
  • Vitamin A (15% DV): Vitamin A helps keep skin and eyes healthy, and helps promote growth.
  • Riboflavin (35% DV): Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, helps your body use carbohydrates, fats and protein for fuel.
  • Vitamin B12 (50% DV): Vitamin B12 helps with normal blood function and keeping the nervous system healthy.
  • Pantothenic Acid (20% DV): Pantothenic Acid, also known as vitamin B5, helps your body use carbohydrates, fats and protein for fuel.
  • Niacin (10% DV): Niacin is used in energy metabolism in the body.
  • Zinc (10%): Zinc helps to maintain a healthy immune system, support normal growth and development, and maintain healthy skin.
  • Selenium (10%): Selenium helps to maintain a healthy immune system, regulate metabolism and protect healthy cells from damage.
  • Iodine (60%): Iodine is necessary for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy, and is linked to cognitive function in childhood.
  • Potassium (10%): Potassium supports heart health and helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure, regulate body fluid balance and maintain normal muscle function.

Yogurt is packed with seven essential nutrients: protein, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and vitamin B12, and cheese delivers six essential nutrients: protein, phosphorus, calcium, niacin, vitamin A and vitamin B12

Essential Nutrients Text pasted from;

Teachings of Lord Chaitanya

1968 Edition of Teachings of Lord Chaitanya

Today we honor the Appearance of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with a fast until moon rise, followed by a nice vegetarian feast. We also will be chanting and reading about some of the many pastimes of the Lord. You can read about some of the very important teachings of Lord Caitanya in the book “Teachings of Lord Chaitanya” which we have included as a free download, (just click of following link to view or download. Hare Krishna!



Govinda Prayers

HH Mukunda Goswami Maharaja relates:

There is an interesting story that I wrote about. It took place when”Govinda” first came out, when the recording was first released. I was inEngland, and Yamuna was in England, and we sent this recording to the devotees in Los Angeles to show how we were really preaching big time to the Beatles and had done this record. But the devotees in Los Angeles didnít want Prabhupada to hear this, because they thought it was very strange that a womans voice would be leading the Hare Krishna mantra. And so they didnít let Prabhupada hear it. So, one morning, just before the greeting of the Deities, Prabhupada was sitting on his vyasasana. When the Deity doors open in Los Angeles, there is a big billow of incense smoke from the charcoals. The devotees use a lot of incense, and when they open the doors, it kind of pours out like a big cloud coming out.So, right before this, Prabhupada said, “What about that record that the devotees sent from London?” He had heard about it. So they told him, “It is just Yamuna singing; we don’t want you to hear it.” And they added, “There is no place to play it.” So he said, “Just play it on the system, the speakers.” They said, “Okay” and very reluctantly went and fetched the recording and played it. And it was just at the right time, and the song is about five minutes long. As the Deity doors opened, Prabhupada was sitting on his vyasasana, and he didn’t say a word. He just listened with his eyes closed. And devotees got to see streams of tears coming down his cheeks. And that day Prabhupada ordered that the song be played in all temples all over the world at the time of greeting the Deities.

Vrndavana Bhajana

Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan3

“Srila Prabhupada was poetic, not only in the literary sense, as evidenced by his beautiful poems glorifying his spiritual master and Lord Krsna, but in every aspect of his personality as well. His gesturing, walking, talking, singing, smiling, dancing andarcana were all performed with an extremely natural poetic grace, befitting a swanlike pure devotee of Lord Krsna. For those sensitive souls who had embarked upon a pilgrim’s progress in search of truth, beauty and ultimate happiness, association with Srila Prabhupada marked their journey’s end, and they happily gave up all mundane pursuits and engaged in his service. Such was the attractive force of Srila Prabhupada’s poetic nature, which manifested fully due to his superexcellent level of Krsna consciousness.” (from In Praise of Srila Prabhupada by Ajitananda das)

The following is a poem written by Srila Prabhupada entitled “Vrndavana Bhajana”

Vṛndāvana Bhajana

Written by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami in 1958,
Published December of that Year in Gauḍīya Patrika,
The Magazine of the Gauḍīya Vedānta Samiti.

Verse 1.

I am sitting alone in Vṛndāvana-dhāma
In this mood I am getting many realizations.
I have my wife, sons, daughters, grandsons, everything,
But I have no money so they are a fruitless glory.
Kṛṣṇa has shown me the naked form of material nature,
By his strength it has all become tasteless to me today.
yasyāham anugṛhṇāmi hariṣye tad-dhanaṁ śanaiḥ
“I gradually take away all the wealth of those upon whom I am merciful.”
How was I able to understand this mercy of the All-merciful?

Verse 2.

Everyone has abandoned me, seeing me as penniless,
Wife, relatives, friends, brothers, everyone.
This is misery, but it gives me a laugh. I sit alone and laugh.
In this māyā-saṁsāra, whom do I really love?
Where have all my loving father and mother gone to now?
And where are all my elders, who were my own folk?
Who will give me news of them, tell me who?
All that is left of this family life is a list of names.

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