Jagad Guru

For the first time in the history of planet Earth!

At the Maha Kumbha Mela, where 400 million sages and pilgrims gathered, for the first time in history, the title of “Vishwa Guru” (universal guru) was conferred on His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. No spiritual leader has ever been officially awarded this title.

Srila Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON, went to the West in 1965, at the age of almost 70, to spread the message of sanatana dharma. Today its mission embraces the whole world and ISKCON has more than 450 temples.

As they said during the ceremony, “Offering a title to Prabhupada is like offering a lamp to the sun.” This event marks the consolidation of the Golden Age foretold in the Vedic scriptures.

I would like to clarify that the title Jagad Guru, Guru of the Universe, was sometime conferred to one’s own Guru by his disciples in the past but this time this title has been conferred officially because it is recognized by all the various groups of religious world in India, every sampradaya and institution.

“I Have Instructed Everything in My Books.”

“I Have Instructed Everything in My Books.”

Srila Prabhupada wrote and published over 80 volumes of spiritual literature which he considered to be his most important contribution. Despite the heavy demands of establishing and managing a worldwide movement, Srila Prabhupada never failed to rise early in the morning to perform his beloved writing work. He applied great devotion and care in translating the ancient Vedic literatures into English from the original Sanskrit and Bengali languages. He would then dictate his famous “Bhaktivedanta Purports,” further explaining the meaning of each verse and its relevance to the modern age. Prabhupada’s books are highly acclaimed by scholars and students alike (see reviews below). They have been translated into more than 60 languages and have been sold in the hundreds of millions. We encourage everyone to take advantage of these timeless literatures which are full of spiritual knowledge and potency.

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Appearance Day Of Lord Nityananda

sun and moon

Today we celebrate the Appearance of Lord Nityananda with a few select verses from the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya and Lord Nityānanda, who are like the sun and moon. They have arisen simultaneously on the horizon of Gauḍa to dissipate the darkness of ignorance and thus wonderfully bestow benediction upon all.”

Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, the Personalities of Godhead, who formerly appeared in Vṛndāvana and were millions of times more effulgent than the sun and moon, have arisen over the eastern horizon of Gauḍadeśa [West Bengal], being compassionate for the fallen state of the world. The appearance of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya and Prabhu Nityānanda has surcharged the world with happiness. As the sun and moon drive away darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything, these two brothers dissipate the darkness of ignorance covering the living beings’ and enlighten them with knowledge of the Absolute Truth. By the grace of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityānanda, this darkness of ignorance is removed, and the truth is brought to light. The Absolute Truth is Śrī Kṛṣṇa, and loving devotion to Śrī Kṛṣṇa exhibited in pure love is achieved through congregational chanting of the holy name, which is the essence of all bliss.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama Rama, Hare Hare

These two, the sun and moon, are very kind to the people of the world. Thus for the good fortune of all, They have appeared on the horizon of Bengal.


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Verses excerpted from:
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta 1975 Edition
by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Adi-lila 1.84-89, 95-96, & 102