by Narottama das Thakura
Vrndavan is a transcendental beautiful place. It is the spiritual sky, where everything is made of touchstone, which fulfills all desires. All the temples there are bedcked with costly jewels, In that far distant place is the River Yamuna, which is full of lotus flowers, In the midst of that throng of lotus flowers there is a golden boat, appearing like another big lotus flower, with eight petals, who are none but the eight chief gopis who always surround Radha and Krishna, In the surrounding petals there is a golden throne where the two transcendental lovers, namely Radha and Krishna are seated, but of all of them the governing Deity is Srimati Radharani. There is no comparison to Radharani’s beauty and the luster of Her transcendental body. The so-called beauty of the moon has fallen on the ground in the presence of Radharani’s beauty. In that assembly of Radha-Krishna and their principal associates there is a flood of laughing and joking as they address one another. Narottama das says that the eternal pastimes of Radha-Krishna from day to day are full of transcendental pleasure, Let us all remember them now and then and thus become happy even in this material world.
Full Song Lyrics
by Narottama das Thakura
vṛndāvana ramya-sthāna dibya-cińtāmaṇi-dhāma
ratana mandira manohara
abṛta kālindī-nīre rāja-haḿsa keli kare
tāhe śobhe kanaka-kamal
vṛndāvana—Srī Vṛndāvana; ramya-sthāna—beautiful abode; divya— transcendental; cintāmaṇi-dhāma—full of gems; ratana—jewelled; mandira—temples; manohara—enchanting; abṛta—surrounded; kālindīnīre—the waters of Yamunā; rāja-haḿsa keli kare—the swans are sporting; tāhe śobhe—in that water; kanaka—golden; kamala—lotus;
Beautiful Vrndavana is filled with cintamani gems and many jewel palaces and temples. Many regal swans play in the waters of the Yamuna, and in those waters a splendid golden lotus flower grows.
tār madhye hema-pīṭha aṣṭa-dale beṣṭita
aṣṭa-dale pradhāna nāyika
tār madhye ratnāsane ba’si āchen dui-jane
śyāma-sańge sundarī rādhikā
tā’ra madhye—in the middle of that lotus; hema-pīṭha—golden altar; aṣṭa-dale beṣṭita—surrounded by eight petals; aṣṭa-dale—eight petals; pradhānā nāyikā—principal sakhīs; tā’ra madhye—in the midst of them; ratnāsane—on a golden throne; ba’si āchen—are seated; dui-jane—both of Them; śyāma-sańge—along with Syāmasundara; sundarī rādhikā— beautiful Srī Rādhikā;
In the middle of that lotus is a golden place surrounded by eight petals. On these eight petals the eight principal gopis reside, and in the centre Lord Syamasundara and beautiful Srimati Radharani sit on a jewel throne.
o-rūpa-lābaṇya-rāśi amiyā pariche khasi
narottama-dāsa koy nitya-līlā sukha-moy
sadāi sphurūk mora mane
o-rūpa-lābaṇya-rāśi—the beauty and sweetness; amiya pariche khasi—shower of nectar; hāsya—smiling; parihāsa— teasing; sambhāṣaṇe—conversing; narottama-dāsa—Narottama dāsa; kaya—says; nitya-līlā—eternal pastimes; sukha-maya—full of bliss; sadāi—always; sphurūka—manifest; mora mane—in my heart
The great beauty of the Divine couple and Their charming joking and laughter continually showers nectar everywhere. Narottama dasa says: I pray that these blissful eternal transcendental pastimes of the Divine Couple may be always manifest in my heart.
Purport found in the 1974 Edition of the “Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas”
Vrndavan is a transcendental beautiful place. It is the spiritual sky, where everything is made of touchstone, which fulfills all desires. All the temples there are bedcked with costly jewels, In that far distant place is the River Yamuna, which is full of lotus flowers, In the midst of that throng of lotus flowers there is a golden boat, appearing like another big lotus flower, with eight petals, who are none but the eight chief gopis who always surround Radha and Krishna, In the surrounding petals there is a golden throne where the two transcendental lovers, namely Radha and Krishna are seated, but of all of them the governing Deity is Srimati Radharani. There is no comparison to Radharani’s beauty and the luster of Her transcendental body. The so-called beauty of the moon has fallen on the ground in the presence of Radharani’s beauty. In that assembly of Radha-Krishna and their principal associates there is a flood of laughing and joking as they address one another. Narottama das says that the eternal pastimes of Radha-Krishna from day to day are full of transcendental pleasure, Let us all remember them now and then and thus become happy even in this material world.