Sri Nama Kirtan

Krishna stealing the cloths of the gopis

Krishna is very pleased when we call on Him by His Names, which are associated with His devotees, qualities and pastimes. This song by Bhaktivinoda Thakura is composed of the Nanes of Krsna in different aspects. (from the Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas)

Today also marks the appearance day of Srila Bhakrivinoda Thakura which we honor with a half day fast.

Śrī Nāma-kīrtana
Chanting of the Holy Names
by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

1) yaśomatī-nandana, 2) braja-baro-nāgara,
3) gokula-rañjana kāna
4) gopī-parāṇa-dhana, 5) madana-manohara,
6) kāliya-damana-vidhāna
7) amala harinām amiya-vilāsā 8) vipina-purandara, 9) navīna nāgara-bora,
10) vaṁśī-badana, 11)suvāsā 12) braja-jana-pālana, 13) asura-kula-nāśana
14) nanda-godhana-rākhowālā
15) govinda mādhava, 16) navanīta-taskara,
17) sundara nanda-gopālā

18) yāmuna-taṭa-cara, 19) gopī-vasana-hara,
20) rāsa-rasika, 21) kṛpāmoya
22) śrī-rādhā-vallabha, 23) vṛndābana-naṭabara,
24) bhakativinod-āśraya

English translation

1) yaśomatī-nandanaThe son of Mother Yaśodā

2) braja-baro-nāgaraThe greatest of all the inhabitants of Vraja

3) gokula-rañjana kānaThe Attractor of the people of Gokula

4) gopī-parāṇa-dhanaThe heart of the gopīs

5) madana-manoharaThe One who can even attract the mind of Cupid

6) kāliya-damana-vidhānaThe destroyer of the Kāliya serpent demon

7) amala harinām amiya-vilāsāChanting the Lord’s Name is my pastime

8) vipina-purandaraHe who plays in the garden groves

9) navīna nāgara-boraThe ever new beauty of Vṛndāvana

10) vaṁśī-vadana suvāsāHe who plays in the garden groves

11)suvāsāHe who lives in beautiful artistic craftsmanship

12) braja-jana-pālanaThe protector of the inhabitants of Vraja

13) asura-kula-nāśanaThe destroyer of the descendants of the asuras

14) nanda-godhana-rākhowālāHe who keeps and tends Mahārāja Nanda’s cows

15) govinda mādhavaGovinda Mādhava

16) navanīta-taskaraThe butter thief

17) sundara nanda-gopālāThe beautiful cowherd boy of Nanda Mahārāja

18) yāmuna-taṭa-caraHe who on the banks of the Yāmuna

19) gopī-vasana-haraStole the garments of the gopīs

20) rāsa-rasikaHe who relishes the loving exchange of mellows

21) kṛpāmoyaHe who is full of mercy

22) śrī-rādhā-vallabhaThe attractor of Srīmatī Rādhāraṇī

23) vṛndābana-naṭabaraThe best dancer of Vṛndāvana

24) bhakativinod-āśrayaThe Shelter of Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura

From the Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas 1974 Edition

Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas

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